Friday, June 24, 2011

And So It Begins...

After a long two days of traveling (but quite an adventure to say the least!) Beth and I arrived in Uganda on Tuesday morning!  Sandra (our volunteer coordinator) was there to greet us at the airport.  We drove about 45 minutes from Entebbe into Kampala, where she took us directly to our guest house in a neighborhood called Buzeega.  (pictures below).  It is a beautiful beautiful house; we are so spoiled.  It is all "open air", but the temperature has been in the 70's at night so it really has been quite nice!  (it's just a little loud when we're trying to sleep at night, we've decided neither Ugandans, nor their dogs, ever sleep).  We have running water, which we've quickly learned is quite a blessing in Africa, so we are very thankful.  We are making fast friends with the guard of our house, Isaac, as we are consistently bugging him with questions.  Whether it's how to turn on the stove, why the lights went out, or a question about the city, Isaac is our man.

On Wednesday, we traveled to the church for our orientation and "staff devotions".  The Watoto church is deep in the heart of Kampala, and between their orphanages, clinics and other ministries to the city, Watoto has over 600 staff.  Needless to say, I was blown away at staff devotions when a room of 600 Ugandans and volunteers from around the world began to sing "Fairest Lord Jesus".  What a sweet, sweet sound it was.

The Guest House for Watoto at Buzeega.  Only Beth, Selene (our new friend from the UK) and I live here this week.

Beth and my room.

The last few days have been spent touring different children's villages and babies homes, and also trying to sort out our permanent accommodations and work.  I hope to be able to update more next week of my specific placement.  Please be praying for Watoto, their leadership and volunteers but especially the hundreds of precious orphans that we will meet.  Please also be praying that the Lord will ease Beth and my anxieties of being in a different culture so far away from home.  Thank you for all of your prayers and support!  It means more to us than you will ever know :)


  1. Ames it's our dream home! It's killing me not being with you neighbor, but encouraging because I know the Lord has me at camp for a reason just as he has you there. BUT I am so wishing I could be there to serve alongside you and just live life together. Can't wait to hear more- keep posting!

  2. Sigh, I'm already crying about the orphans. Hug them all for me, okay? So glad you are safe and adjusting well to your new adventure! Miss you much!

  3. Praying for you! Now adding mosquitos to the list of things to pray about....those look like some intense nets!!
